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Beco Gemini Black

Black lightly padded buckled carrier with East Surrey Slings tote bag.

Fee: £ 15.00 for 14 days

Location: Consultations & doorstep hires - prior arrangement
Condition: B - Fair
Code: B002

The Gemini has a soft padded panel and poppers to narrow the seat to make it suitable either for small baby, or to allow an older baby to face outwards (albeit in a non-ergonomic position). With the seat poppered out, the seat is wide enough for a small toddler. Can be used from 7-35lbs.
For safety reasons we don't recommend the world facing position until baby can sit independently and for no longer than 30 minutes at a time.

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Consultations & doorstep hires - prior arrangement
Carrying Clinic - East Surrey Slings